Dream Dress Experience
When I was a young girl, I loved everything fancy! I loved jewelry, make up, and doing my hair. I loved pretty dresses and stylish clothes. My mother however was not that type of gal. She was more of a simple lady and she did not put much value on that type of thing. So from a very young age I learned to do my own hair and style my own wardrobe. There was a hair salon across the street from our house and every month they would throw out their old fashion magazines and every month I was there to take them off of their hands. In my room, I would flip through the magazines and attempt to imitate the outfits, hairstyles, and make up. On top of all of this, I loved having my photo taken. It would make me feel like one of the beautiful women in the magazines. But when we would get the photos back that wasn’t what I saw, because that wasn’t what was available in 1985 at the Walmart Portrait Studio.

When l first saw the photos of girls in beautiful dresses, I knew in my heart that this was an experience that I wanted to offer for our clients. That little girl I told you about earlier would have died to have this experience. I mean, what little girl wouldn’t want to have their hair and make up done, wear a big gorgeous dress and even a tiara and then have their photo taken. It is important for young girls to feel beautiful. When they feel beautiful it helps to build confidence. When they can look at a photo and see the beauty they feel inside, it is very validating. I think girls begin to question their looks at a pretty young age. I know I did. I wanted to be beautiful and fancy, even glamorous. I’m sure I am not the only girl like that. That is why I wanted to make it full service and very special.

These sessions are great for any special occasion or just because. They make great birthday photos. I just did my daughter’s dream dress photos for her 10th birthday. She really doesn’t like doing photos but she loved these. When a girl comes in she chooses her music and we get started. First we do make up and hair. Then comes the choosing of the gown from our client closet. This can also be done from our website. We have a dress gallery so they can get an idea of what they would like prior to the experience. Once she chooses a gown we show her and the parent(s) the backdrop options that will go best with the gown she has chosen. Then we get started with the photos. We also provide some light refreshments like sparkling white grape juice in champagne flutes, and some fruit and cheese. This really adds a layer of little lady luxury, making her feel so special.

Next we will have a viewing appointment for the big reveal. This is a favorite! The girl usually gets really excited and sometimes mom cries. In my case it was my mother in law that cried. She loved my daughter’s photos so much. So if you have a daughter with confidence issues or she is feeling down on herself I recommend this type of experience for her to help her see the beauty in herself. I also recommend this as just a memorable dream come true experience.

Blog post by:
Jacquee Young
Co-owner and photographer at Gail's Girls Photography in Carrollton, GA